Saturday, May 5, 2012

Part 04: It All Depends On Your Point Of View

1. First person POV story of you getting gas

I rolled down the passenger side window and managed to pull off my jacket without scraping the curb. I always heard it saved gas to turn off the A/C, I sure hope it's true anyway. The gas station's just 40 yards away now and I can't tell if the engine's running on fumes or it's my slowing to turn. "Come on, come on, you can make it." I whispered as I entered the station. I parked at the closest open pump, shifted to park and turned the key off.  I took a deep breath and exhaled rather slowly before making another move.

2. Second person POV story of getting gas

I was about to get out of my car to pump gas and almost dropped my ATM card when a truck parked behind me and blew his horn that just happened to sound just like a train whistle. I looked in my rear glass mirror as wiry haired man laughed and waved at some girls stopped at the light in a white convertible. His chest was so puffed out it looked like it was about to touched the steering wheel. The driver bobbed his head up and down to the beat of a song I hope I never hear again for what seemed an eternity before shutting off the red F200. He leaned back against the seat he was sitting in, apparently reaching in his pocked before opening the door barely missing the white protective rail around the pump. The man glanced my way, I supposed he wondered why I was still sitting in my car, but turned quickly forgetting I existed. He paid for his gas and made his selection and began pumping gas.

3. Omniscient POV

As Jane felt great relief having made it to the gas station without running out of gas, her heart received another jolt as Jimmy drove up unnoticed behind her in his red F200.  He honked his horn that sounded like a train whistle at some girls in a white corvette sitting at the red light. Jane just couldn't get a break today and decided to sit in her car until the monster truck was filled with gas ... no matter how long it took.

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