Saturday, December 17, 2011

RichardStep Writing Challenge - #1

Okay Richard ... let's see how this challenge works :-) ... your first is:

1) No Free Lunch - I've never accomplished anything that I wanted without first taking some sort of action.  Whether it’s shopping or studying ... I had to purchase something one way or another to gain what I wanted. The cost depends on whether I want to live it or live with it.

2) Simple but not Easy - My pastor makes it look so easy to get in front of thousands of people every week and open and share his heart with his congregation ... but I know even though it looks like he does it with ease, he has dedicated his life as an instrument to be used by God. Could I open my heart and speak such encouraging scriptures time after time ... looks so easy from where I sit, but I know better.

3) Five Excuses to Kill My Dreams: A) Oh, no one wants to know about that. B) Oh everyone will think I'm crazy. C) It's not my place to tell that. D) I don't understand. E) My brain is going so fast (like a merry go round) the words are all mixed up.

Kill the Killers: A) Since God gives me the desires in my heart, then there is someone that needs to hear it ... even if it's only one ... God is wanting to save that one - nothing happens without a reason. B) I'm not crazy, I have been blessed by many supernatural experiences ... God events are meant to be told, the Bible is full of God events.  I will tell them. C) I will tell only what encourages and gives hope, I'll give details only to tell of where the "race" begins, how else will anyone know how grand the win is if you cross the finish line last. D) I don't understand something’s because I'm not ready to do that particular thing at this moment. God is causing me to not fail at what one day I will succeed at. I will understand everything I need at the right time. E) I've cleaned and cleared the clutter in my mind. I'm cleaning and clearing the clutter in the physical, I now am free to imitate the creative gifts that God has given me.

What is this craft?

We write to influence emotions because we have left our perfect homes in Heaven for a time. A time on earth to prove that the devil cannot destroy our relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The enemy distracts us with so many things in this world ... material goods, hardships, sickness, over activity, death, strife and so forth. That is until our hearts are closed and hardened from the pain that's in the world as we know it. If we don't write with emotion and conviction, how will anyone really feel the message we've been given to tell?

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