Oh how revealing writing of yourself is ... it is definitely perspective ... for me I'm required to answer this from my view of the TV. Not literally, but, I wasn't sitting in front of the TV ... I was in a box looking through a crack ... I missed a lot as a child, so I'll write of what I could see through the crack in the box. Most of the shows I saw made me laugh. There really wasn't a moral to them; they were just funny to me.
Your Point Of View
a. Experience the importance of having a strong char/knowing char:
i. Pick one of your favorite shows from childhood; write about a normal day from the main character's POV
My favorite show was "Lassie." This show invoked a full range of emotions in me. It was about a little boy named Timmy who owned a beautiful collie dog named Lassie. Each story was about how Timmy lived a normal little boy life and managed to get himself into some sort of danger. Lassie was the faithful dog who always came to the rescue. The bond between Timmy and Lassie was as strong as any human relationship ... no words were needed; the love was seen in Timmy and Lassie's actions.
ii. Pick one of your favorite shows from childhood; write about a normal day from a back/weak character's POV
Leave it to Beaver was another favorite show of mine. It was one of those shows that just made me laugh. I don't recall learning any life's lessons from it. Beaver was always doing something stupid and I suppose I could relate to that ... he always seemed so naive as to why anything was happing around him. His brother, Eddie, and parents all seemed so well meaning, but ... none of the characters had any real substance to them - I don't recall crying or being fearful for any of them. I did want to punch Eddie most of the time.
lol love it! I think I will enjoy this exercise. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks son! I can't wait to SEE your exercise ... there was a huge shift in TV selection from my day - it will surely be good!